Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mortal Combat

Oh dear. I just realized I've been neglecting the blog. A thousand apologies. I've got a few tales stashed away since it's been a while, but for the sake of engaging the audience, I'll begin with a tale of danger and daring.

One of the delights of my lilliputian dorm room is the absence of a screen on my window. I can lean out and get some lovely sunset pictures of the views to the west, climb out the window and study on the bench behind my dorm room, or scramble up the trail for some hiking. Or, I could do that if all the trails weren't shut down because of the risk of blazing inferno.

One of the not-so-great things about no screen is the astonishing number and array of insects in this part of the world. On Monday I was harangued by a vicious wasp for an hour or so while attempting to write a paper. Isn't it amazing how bugs will bang into every surface of a room and still not manage to find the open window? Aren't they just astonishingly dumb?

A while back, I returned from a party in our common room late at night, only to discover I had left my window open. This is treacherous business at night because bugs have a propensity towards light sources, as I'm sure my reader is aware. So I returned to my room only to discover that it had been overtaken by several very large and frustrated insects who were ping-ponging against the walls. In my half drunk (all drunk) state, I first attempted to trap the largest and most frightening of these bugs in a cup so that I could release him into the wild. He was having none of it, though, and immediately flew right back in the open window.

I know, bugs are dumb.

Then, not having any actual bug spray on hand, I sprayed him with Off, which only served to confuse and anger him further. At that point, he landed on the floor under my desk, thus enabling me to smack him with a shoe. Here's the invader:

I know. Not that bad. I'm a wuss. Trust me, he looked much bigger alive.

In the process of killing him I bent my fingernail back, so now it looks like this:

I know. Also not that bad. But it's bruised, right? Right? Oh well.

I haven't resigned myself to getting a screen yet, but I may have to break down at some point if it results in more bodily harm.

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